When Smart is Not Smart
The subject I want to share with you is, When Smart is Not Smart. Now think on that one message, When Smart is Not Smart, because it is something everyone of us in sales should take to heart and appreciate the wisdom of that message.
Some time, over the past 50 years, being smart was considered a good thing by many people.
Then perhaps a better way of saying it was, that being smart was the in thing for a while.
Then being smart may also not have been considered the greatest thing, but there was a degree of respect and even jealousy for those smarter than us at the time. But these days, smart has lost its luster when compared to the lusty heights of the past. In fact, these days, those that go out of there way to tell the world how smart they are – really aren’t considered to be smart at all. Why should they be?
Because today, actions speak louder than words. And personally I am glad they do.
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Yes there is a lot to be said about when smart is not smart
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<a href="https://www.profitmakersales.com/when-smart-is-not-smart-2/">When Smart is Not Smart</a>