Every salesperson controls their own income and security – whether they are on a salary, with or without commission, or on straight commission only. We should also be mindful of the fact that a good salesperson is always in demand and can create revenue streams fro what ever product or service they engage themselves in.
On the other hand, a great salesperson is always in a position to choose where he/she decides to park themselves – in the same manner as a valued free agent in any kind of well paying professional sport, or any variety of respected professional service or industry.
Can a salesperson earn as much as a CEO, Doctor, Dentist, Politician, Consultant, Motivator etc? Of course. Those professionals earn the incomes they do because of their contacts, knowledge and ability to stay abreast of specific industry developments or demographic and market swings.
The high earning sales professional achieves the rewards that they are entitled to for exactly the same reason other top end professionals do. How much, depends on their ability to understand what they do and their belief in themselves to achieve what they set their minds to do.
Become an Invaluable Asset in Your Company
If you really want to make sure that you’re in line for all the good things your company has to offer an invaluable asset, then . . .
- become an invaluable asset;
- get to be known as the person who gets things done with a minimum of fuss;
- always do more than is expected of you;
- get the results;
- bring in the sales;
- do as much of the stuff no one else wants to do as often as practical;
- work as if your income is higher than anyone else’s (because it will be anyway);
- learn to make decisions quickly;
- take personal responsibility;
- become the smartest person regarding the products and services your company offers;
- work at knowing more about the competition and the marketplace than anyone else in the company; get to work first and be the last to leave at least once or twice a week;
- eliminate whining and complaining and siding with anyone that passes on rumours or murmur’s about others; .
or in other words, Get to work like a high income professional would!
Professional selling is job security at its finest. Moving into the top 1% (or top 5%) bracket is your reward for doing the things detailed in the previous paragraph. In other words, (there’s that phrase again) you simply become the employee or sales agent that your company can’t do without. Better still, become the salesperson your customers really can’t do without.
But remember to also work at being the person your company, your boss, your co-workers, and customers count on, rely on, need, and want to have service their business.
It’s up to you, not your employer or the companies you supply or service that provide you with your income. The more you get better at what you do, the better your circumstances will get. You will need to improve yourself any way you can, and at every opportunity that makes itself available to you. And any improvement on your part will have to be done on your own time. Besides, it doesn’t take much time to read a good book on success or listen to a CD while driving.
Excellence comes at a Price – No Matter what you do
Because of the experience I’ve just detailed, anyone that tells me they love their job and aren’t great at it, I’ll avoid them at all cost. In my opinion they can’t love their job. They may love the position, the hours, the money or the people they work with, but as far as I’m concerned they don’t love their job. Because, if they really loved their job, they will do whatever it takes to be good at their job and to do a good job – one they would be proud of.
Cutting corners and charging high fees far an inadequate job is not acceptable behaviour.
The real key to be a success in business is to be good at what you do. Excellence does not and cannot come just from enjoyment or passion or love or fun. Excellence comes from experience. It comes from screwing up and doing it wrong until you finally, finally, finally get it right. That’s right, excellence comes from study, application, trial and error. And above all, excellence comes from good old-fashioned hard work. Every other factor helps, but genuine sweat and frustration working through wants needed changes things.
Are You Really Prepared to Put Your Ideas Into Action?
Let’s start with the bottom like here. Do you want to be a success in sales? Are you sure of what you want out of life? Do you know what you need to do in order to get to where you know you are going? And are you sure you know how you are going to get there? What you need to do once you have a really clear picture of the individual you want to be and the quality of life and career path you really want to fashion for yourself, before you even take the first step to where you are going. The next question is are you prepared to formulate, write out and read aloud your goals every day multiple times as you go about your normal activities, while you visualise the different ways that you mentally practice the and qualities that you are in the process of reinforcing into your own personality as it is now, while at all times you reinforce your future actions with the total regard to the other people within your immediate environment that may fully demonstrate the kind of person you are and have become. Understanding that, and if you are prepared to persist long enough, you will eventually shape yourself into the person that you have been imagining you would become..
Visualise Your Goals
Here’s a really great idea everyone in life should subscribe to – and not just everyone in the sales profession. To make your life change to the way you want it to be, why not try this approach. As a nightly process, do this the last thing at night before you go to sleep and then repeat it the first thing in the morning, think about and visualize your goals as realities. See your goal as though it has already existed – as if it were a real part of your life now and into the future.
The reason you should do this is that your subconscious mind can only be activated by the affirmations and pictures that are received by it in the present tense. So learn to see your every goal many times during the day (with your eyes closed). See that goal vividly just before you go to sleep. See yourself performing at your best many times throughout the day. See the situations that you’re facing working out exactly the way you want them to. And see the person that you want to become, just because that is a part of your current goal. If you don’t believe me, back up, re-read this over and over again, visualise it, then GO FOR IT!
Now Constantly Feed yourself the Mental Pictures of Who You Know You Really Are
See yourself living the kind of life you know want to live. Then see yourself with the kind of relationships you want, or the kind of health you want, and the kind of car you want to drive, and the kind of home you have been dreaming of for so long.
Remember to visualize all of those points just before you fall asleep at night. Then do the same as the first thing you do when you get up in the morning, then feed yourself mental pictures one more time. Do it again late morning, just before lunch and in the evening. Then repeat it all again. Do this throughout the day when your subconscious mind is most receptive to new programming, last thing at night and again when you wake up. Then do it over and over again.
This Article is by Peter Collins – In a sales career spanning more than 50 years, Peter Collins has focused on helping and bringing out the best in others – whether it involves training or mentoring salespeople, managers, business consulting to SME’s. Since the 1970’s Peter has built a reputation as a Nationally and Internationally Published author, and has 65 books to his credit, but he is mainly known for one book based on the Audio Tape series of the same name, Over 50 Ways of Closing the Sale. In his personal life, Peter has been sought after as an encourager and motivator that has given of his time and talents freely despite his busy schedule. Subsequently, he has assisted churches, pastors, community and charity groups, as well as individuals through his teaching, training, development and on-going mentoring.
Peter can be contacted through his website – profitmakersales.com