In my early seminar days I worked hard at giving the participants what they wanted, but quickly found that the more I gave them what I was sure they wanted, the more they wanted – especially in any of the keynote talks I gave.
One after another the attendees came up to me telling me what I delivered was good, but somehow lacking in “real” substance. If that is confusing to you, just imagine how confused I felt trying to deliver subject matter that always seemed to fall short of what it was they really wanted. Unfortunately, I kept wanting to please everyone; rewrote the content over and over; repackaged the material with more and more depth, but still the attendees wanted more.
Then “out of the blue,” a mentor of mine suggested he would have a closer look at what I was doing, and within minutes of his evaluation I realised what I was doing that was less than favourable. I was pandering to salespeople who were not looking to improve, or to go back to basics on a regular basis, because they simply wanted someone, anyone, to give them an easier way to sell.
Today, I find that I have little need to be as diplomatic as I have been so many times over the past 30 years. And Now that I have a little more experience, and the necessary “runs of the board” I feel I can tell it the way I should, and that’s all that really matters . . . it’s a little lesser used concept called the truth.
#SalesTips, #HighAchievingSalespeople, #SelfImage, #HightAchievers, #GoodListeneres, #Salespeople, #DoSelling, #HighPerformance, #NoExcuses, #Success, #SalesSuccess, #CreateLastingSales, #QuestioningPosititives, #Selling, #Sales, #ClosingSales, #PeterCollins, #PeterCollinsProfitMaker, #ProfitMakerSales,
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