Linkedin Links
Linkedin is a business to business social platform
There are two links you can connect with and view on Linkedin. In the two years Peter has been on Linkedin he has grown his audience to over 29,000 followers and has posted over 600 articles and over 1,500 banners. Click on either of the two orange links below to view either Peter’s Profile or Peter’s Articles
Peter Collins Profile
Peter Collins Articles
Facebook Links
Facebook is a multiple style social platform and is used by Peter Collins as an outlet for Business, Sales, Closing Sales, Internet, Encouragement, and Christian based Social platforms in the form of Groups and Pages.
Peter Collins had never viewed a Facebook page until around 18 months ago and only did so as a dare from a younger friend who told him he would never appreciate Social Media fully as he was to old to do so. These days Peter has around 160,000 followers over 12 Groups and 11 pages with more being worked on. To date, Peter has posted over 3,000 Articles and over 4,000 banners between the Groups and Pages. To connect to each Facebook Group or Facebook Page simply click on the banner or the orange link below the banner
Feeder Page – Peter Collins Success Centre (Main page)
This feeder page is restricted to 5,000 followers. It is therefore worked on regularly to keep space open for new followers (friends) and the new recruits are funnelled into groups so they can keep viewing and commenting on the posts in the various pages and groups. Once placed in a group, each person is able to remove themselves from that group whenever they want to
Peter Collins is continually reminded that he shares the best Articles of their type as wells as the best Information on Facebook. If there was a fault in what he does it would be that he provides more information than any other Author on Facebook.
THESE GROUPS ARE CLOSED GROUPS. Please join the group to access the information and participate
Sales. Selling, Closing and Training Tips and Hints
THIS IS A CLOSED GROUP with over 20,000 followers. Join group to access the information and participate
Everything Positive Internet
THIS IS A CLOSED GROUP with over 11,000. Join group to access the information and participate
THIS IS A CLOSED GROUP with over 9,000 followers. Join group to access the information and participate
THIS IS A CLOSED GROUP. Join group to access the information and participate
THIS IS A CLOSED GROUP with over 13,000 followers. Join group to access the information and participate
Friends of Peter Collins Profitmaker
THIS IS A CLOSED GROUP with over 13,000 followers. Join group to access the information and participate
Quotes and Sales Tips by Peter Collins
THIS IS A CLOSED GROUP of over 5,000 followers. Join group to access the information and participate
Legends of Motivation and Selling
THIS IS A CLOSED GROUP of over 10,000 followers. Join group to access the information and participate
THIS IS A CLOSED GROUP of over 8,000 followers. Join group to access the information and participate
Selling + Sales Hints and Tips
THIS IS A CLOSED GROUP of over 8,000 followers. Join group to access the information and participate
THIS IS A CLOSED GROUP of over 7,000 followers. Join group to access the information and participate
Inspiration, Motivation and BibLe Based Success
THIS IS A CLOSED GROUP of over 6,000 followers. Join group to access the information and participate
Christian Poetry & Poetic Verse
THIS IS A CLOSED GROUP. Join group to access the information and participate
Feeder Page – Peter Collins Success Centre (Main page)
This feeder page is restricted to 5,000 followers. It is therefore worked on regularly to keep space open for new followers (friends) and the new recruits are funnelled into groups so they can keep viewing and commenting on the posts in the various pages and groups. Once placed in a group, each person is able to remove themselves from that group whenever they want to
Peter Collins is continually reminded that he shares the best Articles of their type as wells as the best Information on Facebook. If there was a fault in what he does it would be that he provides more information than any other Author on Facebook.
Peter Collins / Profit Maker Sales (Page)
Peter Collins is continually reminded that he shares the best Articles of their type as wells as the best Information on Facebook. If there was a fault in what he does it would be that he provides more information than any other Author on Facebook.
THESE PAGES ARE OPEN TO ALL. Just access the information and participate
Peter Collins/Profit Maker Sales
THIS PAGE IS OPEN TO ALL. Just access the information and participate at will
Peter Collins Business and Uplifting Articles
THIS PAGE IS OPEN TO ALL. Just access the information and participate at will
Peter Collins Christian Articles
THIS PAGE IS OPEN TO ALL. This group has over 3,ooo followers. Just access the information and participate at will
THIS PAGE IS OPEN TO ALL. Just access the information and participate at will
Peter Collins Sales Hints and Tips
THIS PAGE IS OPEN TO ALL. Just access the information and participate at will
Peter Collins Business Services
THIS PAGE IS OPEN TO ALL. Just access the information and participate at will
Success Revealed Through the Bible
THIS PAGE IS OPEN TO ALL. Just access the information and participate at will
THIS PAGE IS OPEN TO ALL. Just access the information and participate at will
Peter Collins Closing Sales Articles
THIS PAGE IS OPEN TO ALL. Just access the information and participate at will
Peter Collins Quotes and Sales Tips
THIS PAGE IS OPEN TO ALL. Just access the information and participate at will
Christian Poetry and Poetic Verse
THIS PAGE IS OPEN TO ALL. Just access the information and participate at will