It is important to understand that statistically 80% of all Sales are made by 20% of the Salesforce. Brian Tracy – author of “Psychology of Selling” – tells us “those people in the Top 20% earn 16 times the average of those in the Bottom 80%.” Jonathan Evetts – author of “The Seven Pillars of Success” – goes on to say that “at least 60% of all Sales are made ONLY after the Sales Presentation has been Firmly Rejected at least four times.” Dr Herb True – of the Notre Dame University in the USA – spent over 10 years analysing what makes a pers
on a success in Selling – and published these findings.
46% asked for the order ONCE and quit.
24% asked for the order TWICE before giving up.
14% asked THREE times.
12% HUNG IN until the prospect gave them the order.
…….His statistics also show that 60% of ALL SALES were made AFTER the FIFTH attempt.
Zig Ziglar deduces that if 96% of people DO NOT ask for the order MORE THAN four times, and if 60% of all sales are written on the FIFTH and SUBSEQUENT attempt, it is obvious that 4% of the Salesforce are making 60% of the Sales – and 60% of the Commissions.
Keith Stevenson – author of “Go Selling” – defines Closing this way.
“Closing is what distinguishes the Salesperson from the Representative. The Representative leaves the prospect better informed, while the Salesperson leaves the customer with an order.”
Remember, we MISS 100% of the orders we DON’T ASK FOR. Yet, LESS than 1% of all books published for the Sales arena deal primarily with Closing the Sale. This book unlike many of the other closing publications is ENTIRELY DEVOTED TO CLOSING THE SALE.
Peter Collins
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