The comprehensive Body Language Index follows the Preface
Are you are aware that there is a concept known as Body English? If not, then don’t despair because the phrase is definitely not in every day use, but it is perhaps the best way to get one to understand what body language is about.
In a recent basketball game in the USA the sportscaster made the comment that, “Air Jordan used a little Body English to coax that ball into the hoop as he released the free throw.” In plain English, he simply meant the player moved his hips sideways, as if using mind control, to ensure that the ball would go into and through the basket.
In even plainer English, the use of the term “Body English” is just one of many deeper or more descriptive examples of body language that we use to more clearly convey the power of “Body Magic” (another known alternative) as a means of a direct method of communication, replacing or complimenting the use of words with gestures or other alternatives, be it on a daily basis or as we need to in a variety of situations, either consciously or unconsciously.
Whether you are an accomplished reader of Body Language or simply a novice intrigued by the concept of Body Language, you will find the contents of this condensed book on Body Language a valuable reference work and asset to your current professional and private communication skills.
So What is Body Language?
Body language can be described as the unspoken or non-verbal complementary kind of communication we engage in, while in conversation and/or through adjusted gestures that can either confirm the words we use. Conversely those same or similar gestures can send out alarm bells to those that have been trained to understand the subtleties of our interaction with another person or with groups of people.
Some describe the art of Body Language being somewhat like a mirror that gives us an indication of what the other person may think or feel in response to the way we use our words, or the actions we apply, in conjunction with those words.
Body Language involves gestures, mannerisms, and other bodily signs that may be interpreted by communication experts by gestures that either confirm or send out contradictory signals to the words being spoken at the time.
The reality of body language is that in real life situations, around 60% to 80% of all the messages that we convey to other people are transmitted through the combination of verbal and body language, while actual verbal communication accounts for only 7% to 10%. However, it is also suggested that if one were to try and read the language of any one person purely by “reading” bodily signs and gestures from a distance. That too may be no more than 7% to 10%.
Now, Consider This
In order to assume that we can effectively read another persons mind purely from one or two gestures associated any statement is also bordering on hopeful fantasy. Body Language is mostly that, Body Language.
Just like you will mostly never be able to understand what a person is thinking from just one or two words that they may utter on any subject and you would be better waiting for the person to convey what they want to say based on a sentence, you should also not endeavour to “read” another’s body language unless you are able to combine what they are saying based on a cluster of gestures that may either confirm or seemingly contradict what they are saying.
Not one person has been able to use body language to accurately read another person’s mind. However, those that understand and use body language in a positive way do so as a means of helping them communicate better and to lead the communication closer to a more favourable outcome is what separates the men from the boys, and can become a powerful adjunct tool.
Body Language can also be a creative and powerful tool to help accentuate and/or disguise personality traits, create short term illusions about ones personality, or become a really fast-track way to overall personality development.
Used effectively and in the most imaginative of ways, it will assist in the understanding of how body language works and how it can help create a great impression for work, business, and even romantic situations. This is simply achieved by understanding of how this not-so-common, yet extremely powerful field of study can help you see and sense things that others may not be able to.
The application of Body Language can be one of the best adjuncts to the many other spoken, unspoken and visual tools that one can use on the life-long journey to a successful life.
So read on and find out how you can read and utilize body language – the most used yet most misunderstood secret language in the world.
And a little More you should be Aware of
Body language is made up of bodily and facial gestures that either confirm or may contradict what we are wanting to convey verbally. It also encompasses the majority of the voluntary and involuntary non-verbal movements we make as a part of how we communicate no matter how much we may try and disguise or hide what we want others not to see.
Body language also involves long term developed gestures such as waving hands waving hands to all forms of involuntary gestures such as the twitching of facial and other muscles. Each of which are difficult to “read” unless analyzed against what is being said, or in more extreme cases, what was meant to be said but the person saying it at the time was unable to get the words out they way they wanted to.
Peter Collins
Body Language for Busy People INDEX
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Body Language for Busy People Overview
Body Language Table of Contents – INDEX
Chapter 1 – What is Body Language
Now Consider this
A little more you should be aware of
We all are intrigued by Body Language
The Most Important part is
Chapter 2 – Reading the Signs
Various Types of Body Language
2a – When they are Interested in You
2b – They are Interested in What You Say
2c – They are Inclined to Agree With You
2d – People Think all the time
When They Are Frustrated and/or Dismayed
When things Suggest They may be Action-Oriented
2e – When Defending or Hiding Something
When They are Defensive or Hiding Something
When They Indicate They are Bored .
2f – They Convey Excitement or Interest
Signals that Exhibit Confidence, Authority or Power
2g – Signals Underlying Anger/Resistance
2h – Signals of Nervousness or Tension
2i – They are Doubting or Suspecting You
Things you need to Know when Reassuring Others
Signals of the Prospect’s Need for Reassurance
Indications of Pride
2j – How to Know When Others are Lying
Despite these things Never Jump to Conclusions
Chapter 3 – Mirroring
Become Them
Correspond your Actions with Their Moods
Build Rapport
Mirroring can Work in the Strangest of Places
Chapter 4: Body Language in Negotiations
Chapter 4 – Body Language in Negotiations
The First Step Early Signs
Understanding Personal Space in Negotiations
First Impressions Last
Eye Contact is Crucial
Smile Often
Use their Name Often
The Handshake is Important
Give them your Undivided Attention
4a – Mirror their Body Language
Match their Speech
Accept others Without Reservation
Never Put Down Your Opposition
Put Your Body Language Know-how to Use
Chapter 5 – Body Language in Selling
5a – Understanding Sales Body Language
Body Language may suggest Superiority to others
Body Language Assisting you in your Selling
Body Language as a Universal Medium
5b – Body Language to Make Sales Sizzle
5c – Body Language to Counter Objections
Chapter 6 – Aggressive Body Language
6a – Body Language Threat Signals
Facial Signals in Body Language
Attack Signals in Body Language
Exposing yourself in Attack
Invasion Signals in Body Language
False Friendship Signals in Body Language
Approach in Body Language
Touching in Body Language
6b – Body Language Gestures
Insulting Gestures in Body Language
Mock Attack in Body Language
Sudden Movements in Body Language
Large Gestures in Body Language
6c – Persuasive Body Language Styles
Open Stance Body Language
Forced Hand in Body Language
Following Processes in Body Language
Chapter 7 – Closed Body Language
Language of Closure in Body Language
Reasons for Closing in Body Language
7a – Sales Closure Body Language
Mental Trauma During Closing
Thanking During Sales Closing
7b – More Closed Body Language
Arms Across in Body Language
Legs Across in Body Language
Looking Down or Away in Body Language
7c – Defensive Body Language
Defending Signals in Body Language
Hiding Body Language in Various Ways
7d – Confusing Body Language
Cold Weather can Affect Body Language Signals
Relaxing – Reading Wrong Body Signals
Chapter 8 – Open Body Language
Language of Closure in Body Language
Reasons for Closing in Body Language
8a – Arms in Open Body Language
8a – Hands in Open Body Language
8a – Legs in Open Body Language
8d – Relaxed Clothing in Open Body Language
8e – Reason for Open Body Language
8f – Acceptance in Open Body Language
8g – Passive Threat in Body Language
8h – Aggression in Body Language
8i – Supplication in Body Language
8j – Relaxing in Body Language
Chapter 9 – Dominant Body Language
Size Signals through Body Language
Making the Body Big through Body Language
Occupying Territory through Body Language
9a – Body Language Superiority Signals
Breaking Social Rules using Body Language
Ownership using Body Language
Invasion using Body Language
Belittling Others using Body Language
Facial Signals using Body Language
Phallic Displays using Body Language
Dominant Greetings using Body Language
The Handshake through Body Language
Eyes through Body Language
Speaking through Body Language
9b – Response to Dominance
Chapter 10 – Bored Body Language
Language of Boredom
10a – Reason for Boredom
Lack of Interest
10b – When Boredom turns into Readiness
Ready Body Language
The Language of Readiness
10b – Some Reasons for that Readiness
Ready Body Language
Ready to Buy
Continuing Conversation
Ready to Fight
Chapter 11 – Deceptive Body Language
Size Signals through Body Language
Language of Deception
Reasons for Deception
Distracted trying to Cover-Up Issues
A Profound Need to Avoid being Detected
Chapter 12 – Conclusion
Size Signals through Body Language
There are Varied forms of Communication
Actions Speak Louder than Words
#BodyLanguageForBusyPeople, #Telemarketing, #WhatIsBodyLanguage, #ReadingTheSigns, #BodyLanguageInNegotiations, #BodyLanguageInSelling, #AgressiveBodyLanguage, #ClosedBodyLanguage, #OpenBodyLanguage, #DominantBodyLanguage, #BoredBodyLanguage, DeceptiveBodyLanguage, #Sales, #Selling, #Marketing, #Success, #Educational, #PeterCollins, #PeterCollinsAuthor, #PeterCollinsProfitMaker, #ProfitMakerSales, #ProfitMakerSales.comLink to this post:
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