Words and Phrases of Emotional Appeal
Before one can Close effectively, one must learn to use words and phrases which create definite customer response, and in turn, gently, but firmly lead the prospect into a Close. The key word here is courtesy. If you are not courteous, you may offend, and generally an offended prospect is not a buying prospect. So choose your style and manner carefully.
Phrases such as:
• “Would you mind?
• “Could we please?”
• “Is it possible to?”
• “May I just point out!”
• “Let me assure you!”
• “If you could spare me just another moment” .
.. are Key Courtesy Phrases … or also known as Phrases of Emotional Appeal. Then, for greater emphasis, you can combine different types of Key Courtesy Phrases with a phrase of your choosing and improve the impact of your delivery of the Emotional Appeal.
Phrases such as:
• “Would you mind if I just mentioned this one thing here?”
• “But let me assure you it isn’t what you think it is.”
are an ideal way to achieve this end.
And then there are other Key Buying Words which are also known as Words of Emotional Appeal and may include:-
• New
• Penetrative
• Innovative
• Contemporary
• Different
• Communicative
• Space-aged
• Current
• Better
• Demountable
• Electronic
• Repairable
• Transportable
• Superior
and so on. They need to be used sparingly otherwise your presentation could be totally overdone.
Then there are certain Key Words which are used during the actual Point of Close. Some of these have already been used in the Alternative
Questioning Close.
The Key Words at the Point of Close could be:
• Fine
• Then
• Great
• Did you?
• Sure
• Well
• I Know
• Would you?
and so on.
And that now only leaves the most powerful Key Courtesy Phrase and Words ever invented.
The Most Powerful Words are :
• Please
• Thank you
The Most Powerful Phrase is:
• By the way
but this phrase also has two distinct uses – as a Key Courtesy Phrase and as a Key Phrase to change the direction of the conversation.
These three words (By the Way) will redirect conversation more powerfully than just about any other known to man.
Words and Phrases the Could Cool Prospects
There are as many WORDS and PHRASES which could cool your prospect’s, or even turn them off buying, as there are those that would make them want to buy.
For years now people have been so bombarded by our sales buzz words that they have not only become accustomed to them, but even now FEAR them, as they know they are skilfully being led into a Close. Learn to eliminate these from your vocabulary. Really, it is not worth the gamble of losing sales through your ignorance. And in certain selling situations (especially with a domestic overtone, such as retail selling and in-home selling), it is vital that you speak THEIR language and not the one they have grown to fear.
Learn to replace the word:
• customer . with client
• payment . . . with investment
• buy . . . . . . . with own
• buyer . . . . . with user
• contract . . . with agreement
• deposit . . . . with small deposit
• close . . . . . . with opportunity to own
• buyer . . . . . with owner
• order . . . . . with paperwork
• price . . . . . . with total investment
• forms . . . . . with details.
So, let’s not fill in the forms, but let’s write down the details. Let’s not take a deposit. On $900,000 home it sounds frightening, especially at 20 or 30%. However a small deposit is acceptable. Even if it is only 20 or 30%, the emphasis is on the word small deposit and only. And you didn’t have a buyer of your product last week, but a happily involved user.
Just Ask the Right Questions
In order to do the best job for your prospect you’ll need to ask the right questions. Some should be routine, and others more personal. Respect the fact that they may decline to answer the personal ones. However, most prospects are usually more co-operative if you let them know that whatever they tell you will remain confidential, even if you write down each answer. The secret to a good questioning technique is good communication.
This Article is by Peter Collins – In a sales career spanning more than 50 years, Peter Collins has focused on helping and bringing out the best in others – whether it involves training or mentoring salespeople, managers, business consulting to SME’s. Since the 1970’s Peter has built a reputation as a Nationally and Internationally Published author, and of the 130 books he has written over the past 48 years, Peter has 65 Business Books to his credit, (but he is mainly known for one book based on the Audio Tape series of the same name, Over 50 Ways of Closing the Sale). Peter also has written 23 Christian books. One of Peter’s books, sold almost 2 million copies in the late 1970’s and is still selling well through second hand online marketers worldwide. In his personal life, Peter has been sought after as an encourager and motivator that has given of his time and talents freely despite his busy schedule. Subsequently, he has assisted churches, pastors, community and charity groups, as well as individuals through his teaching, training, development and on-going mentoring.
© Copyright Peter Collins, Profit Maker Sales, Sydney, Australia, 2002, 2007, 2011, 2015, all rights reserved.
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