The Two Factors that Cannot be Separated
June 7, 2016
No matter what business you’re in, there are two factors that can never be used individually, nor can they be separated. They are “accountability” and “responsibility,” neither can be separated, because you can’t have responsibility without accountability, nor can you have accountability without responsibility. The minute you separate the two, you make both ineffective.
Some Basics Every Salesperson should Always be Aware of
June 7, 2016
Every one l know who works as a professional salesperson finds themselves under so much external pressure from time to time that it is so easy to overlook the ‘obvious’. In fact, those ‘obvious’ things may be staring us in the face, yet we tend to either miss them, overlook them or at times even dismiss them outright. Then over the passage of time, those seemingly ‘obvious’ things that are pushed aside by us, can so easily become the ‘thorn in the side’ for even the best of the sellers around today. When that happens there is generally no seemingly easy way to turn things around, and get things back to normality apart from ‘a wake-up call’ from the least expected quarter. Many times it will be some unexpected advice from a spouse, or family member not associated with sales. Other times it will be from an audio tape we are listening to, or an article such as this.
Professionals Put Themselves in their Propsects Shoes
June 7, 2016
Professional salespeople go out of their way to put themselves in their prospect’s position (shoes), on the understanding that busy people generally won’t take time out from their schedule, just to listen to someone who’s probably doing little else than playing a “numbers game” at their expense.
Alternative Question Close
August 31, 2015
The Alternative Question Close provides the prospect with a choice of either one of two points a buying decision can be made on. As an example, you may ask whether they would like it in Red or prefer it in Blue. When an answer is given, you have a Close, so simply bring the sale to an end .