Seven Ways to Kill the Price Issue – Before the Prospect Kills the Sale
June 7, 2016
To a high income professional the solution is simple, they usually don’t get these type of responses because their presentation has been written and delivered in a manner which eliminates this one problem. To them price is never an issue. And ever since I learned of this one point (and worked out how to apply it to my presentations, I too was rarely bothered by it.
Buying on Price Alone – Any Price can be Too High
June 7, 2016
As salespeople we are confronted by prospects, who more often than not, seem to be consumed with getting the best price. However, any price can be too high, and this can include the lowest possible price the majority of the time. Many times this price issue is disguised in a number of overused phrases common to both salespeople and prospective consumers alike. Any of the following statements fall into this category. Here are a just a few that salespeople tend to hear on a regular basis, but until you understand why the prospect relies on using them as often as they do, most in sales will be both confronted as well as confounded by them.