August 13, 2018
OBSERVE THESE DO NOT’S IN YOUR LIFE AND BUSINESS – Peter Collins, Profit Maker Sales … 1. Don’t complain about what you don’t have–just be happy you don’t get what you ask for. 2. Don’t discourage the other person’s plan unless you have a better one. 3. Don’t even spend a microsecond thinking about excuses. Instead, focus your attention on specific and written action steps that will help you reach your goals and have a positive impact on selling results. 4. Don’t ever confuse wishes with wants. When you want a thing you go out and get it. When you merely wish for something, you wait for it to come. 5. Don’t forget to let your sales prospect touch and feel the product – if at all possible. It will make an enormous difference to how much you sell. 5. Don’t forget until it’s too late, that the business of life is not business, but living. 6. Don’t learn the tricks of the trade–learn the trade. 7. Don’t look back – always look ahead. Don’t pray for lighter burdens, pray for stronger backs. 8. Don’t read the headlines – become the headline! 9. Don’t sell too many products at one time, that may confuse your prospect. Concentrate on one product, one idea or one solution at one time and you’ll achieve more than you ever could going “bulk.” 10. Don’t use a big word where a diminutive one will suffice. Don’t waste a whole day – laugh at least once.
Words and Phrases of Emotional Appeal
August 11, 2018
Words and Phrases of Emotional Appeal
Before one can Close effectively, one must learn to use words and phrases which create definite customer response, and in turn, gently, but firmly lead the prospect into a Close. The key word here is courtesy. If you are not courteous, you may offend, and generally an offended prospect is not a buying prospect. So choose your style and manner carefully.
Phrases such as:
• “Would you mind?
• “Could we please?”
• “Is it possible to?”
• “May I just point out!”
• “Let me assure you!”
• “If you could spare me just another moment” .
.. are Key Courtesy Phrases … or also known as Phrases of Emotional Appeal. Then, for greater emphasis, you can combine different types of Key Courtesy Phrases with a phrase of your choosing and improve the impact of your delivery of the Emotional Appeal.
Phrases such as:
• “Would you mind if I just mentioned this one thing here?”
• “But let me assure you it isn’t what you think it is.”
are an ideal way to achieve this end.
And then there are other Key Buying Words which are also known as Words of Emotional Appeal and may include:-
• New
• Penetrative
• Innovative
• Contemporary
• Different
• Communicative
• Space-aged
• Current
• Better
• Demountable
• Electronic
• Repairable
• Transportable
• Superior
and so on. They need to be used sparingly otherwise your presentation could be totally overdone.
Who are my Target Customers?
January 23, 2018
Then once you know the direction(s) you want this initial phase (or perhaps the next phase) of you business to take, you should begin at once. If however, you decide to delay the start, don’t be concerned, you can’t get bogged down with too much preparation – not in the preparatory stages. But be sure, this additional work doesn’t sidetrack you from what you should be doing, and that’s to write a profit at every stage of your business.
Ferreting out additional target groups and establishing a broader base of categories (for the targeted products or services), will help you to immediately focus on two things:
1. The initial search you need to undertake, and
2. The on-going research you will need to do.
Use These Set Up Lines Early in the Sales Call
August 14, 2017
The purpose of this sector is to get you to appreciate that you have to get your prospects involved early in the presentation, or you could risk losing them, or a fate just as bad, by having the meeting cut short on you. And that’s one thing average sales people tend not to understand, no matter how often it has happened to them, that many of their calls were cut short by the prospect who was able to use a variety of techniques the seller was not aware of. In every sale there is a buyer and a seller. It’s that simple. If you sell your product or service, you’re the seller. If you don’t sell your product or service, chances are you were sold by the buyer.
Setting the Sales Theme in the Call
August 13, 2017
As a salesperson, you may choose not go through each of the sales steps required during a presentation, but you decide at the time to suspend the stages of the sale in order to ensure success on the day. It’s the same process professional sellers use in order not to play their “trump card” too early, or to openly divulge where they intend to take the sales call. It’s at times like this that it may be beneficial to store your most powerful selling point, and move the sale into another direction. This is why Setting the Theme at the beginning of the selling process is so important. Once set, it then allows the seller the flexibility of resetting the theme as necessary.
4 Ways to Accelerate Your Selling – And Sell More
August 13, 2017
To excel in any selling situation, you must have a combination of vision and confidence, and confidence comes primarily from knowing what you are selling. You also have to know and understand yourself and your goals. You have to recognise and accept your special talents as well as your weaknesses. To do this will require a kind of personal honesty and discipline that not everyone is capable of. Then in addition to knowing yourself well, you must continue learning about yourself as well as other people. You must also be caring, forgiving and laudatory with others and with yourself. In any sales situation, you must accept other people as they are and for who they are, and not as you would like for them to be.
5 Ways Salespeople Can Beat Call Reluctance
August 10, 2017
If you’ve ever experienced Call Reluctance, as many of us have under pressure and during times of prolonged cold-calling, then you will know the feeling that I am talking about. In fact, you’ve also felt that dull throb in the pit of your stomach, that inability to follow through or make the day’s first appointment. On those days you feel that awful dread in which you become obsessed with the feeling that all forms of rejection, that awful rejection may take over every muscle in your body, and that same fear of rejection somehow begins to consume your every thought. Call reluctance hits sales beginners and seasoned professionals alike, and the trauma of its impact is more than well documented. In book, The Psychology of Call Reluctance, Shannon Goodson and George Dudley document that 80 percent of new salespeople fail because of call reluctance, while 40 percent of veteran salespeople stop prospecting because of it.
5 Ways to Supercharge and Fasttrack Your Sales
August 8, 2017
To make sure everything is running smoothly, and to avoid wasting time doing things that do not gently but surely lead the prospect into a positive decision, there are five simple rules, that when applied will assist the salesperson into selling more with possible higher revenue at each call.
Advanced Selling Can be Mastered Faster than Most People Think
August 8, 2017
Over my years in sales, especially my years as a manager to salespeople at all levels of selling, I have had to stimulate, motivate and focus so many good to brilliant sellers that seem to have simply ‘lost the plot’ and have ‘gone off on a tangent’ that is anything but appropriate selling. However, when they are encouraged to get back on track by getting back to basics, that too seems to something else that they have trouble doing.
Word of Mouth Alone Will Let You Down
April 6, 2017
This may surprise some people who claim that their business grew entirely by word of mouth. They forget however that they advertise in Daily Newspapers, The Yellow Pages Telephone Directory, do Leaflet drops, do special deals with clients for referrals and so on. But if one asks them, where the bulk of their business comes from, they invariably tell you – its word of mouth.
Presentation Hints
April 3, 2017
Closing The Sale Articles, Sales/Selling Articles
All salespeople believe a good sales presentation is pivotal to getting the prospect on side and to making a sale based on the presentation is perceived and received by the prospect. A well structured sales presentation is pivotal whenever the salesperson undertakes to meet with the prospect, or prospects, at a prearranged time and day.
8 Ways to Improve Listening Skills
April 2, 2017
There is a lot that has been written about listening skills, and rightfully so, yet far too many sellers cannot grasp the whole concept of listening whenever they are in a sales call, or deep into their presentation. They seem to think that the more they talk, the more the prospect will listen. Yet this couldn’t be further from the truth. Prospects want their say, and to the surprise of many sellers, they are more entitled to have their say than is the seller – but that message seems to fall on more deaf ears than any other.
17 Words That Can Change Your Life – As Real Change is Forever
February 22, 2017
Inspiration/Motivation Articles, Sales/Selling Articles
Not long after that experience, and after viewing that movie at every opportunity for the next 2 years, my personal sales kept going up, I was performing in the top 5% of a national sales-force of over 130, and by the end of the second year had been inducted into the Australian Hall of Fame. The following year I was once again inducted into the Australian Hall of Fame despite being promoted to State Manager between the two inductions. I’m taking the time to tell you this experience, because at about that time, in a company paid seminar, I heard a 17 word phrase that really changed my life, my work ethic and my income. A phrase I really want you to get hold of and to get hold of it NOW! Because if you get to understand the concept of it NOW, your life too can never be the same again. If you understand it, you will start using the same principle that all who have become successful before you have applied over and over and over again.
Here are those 17 words … For things to change, you must get a picture of what you want them to change too.
Four Things That Set Public Speakers Apart From Others
August 30, 2016
It’s a fact that many people would rather confront their worse fear rather than speak in public – and that goes for seasoned speakers too. Here are four things to consider that could help set you apart from other speakers and also help you improve in many other areas of your life too.
Peter Collins Free Books
June 20, 2016
Closing The Sale Articles, Inspiration/Motivation Articles, Sales/Selling Articles
For those that want vital and workable information, Peter Collins has written a number of books with information that can be used immediately. Some may be short in volume, but with every book and with each point shared, the information is both workable and easily understood.
At this point there are 15 downloadable FREE e-books for business readers – and many more if you download the FREE Christian e-books on this site. Enjoy them all.
Peter Collins Business Books
June 20, 2016
Closing The Sale Articles, Sales/Selling Articles
Peter plans to release a greater variety of titles shortly as well as make available a project he has been working on for over 10 years and will make available what he has worked on in his 51 years in the selling arena. But for now, the stable of books that are being made available on this and other websites, together with the mountain of free articles already on the site, with more in preparation that have not yet been mounted on the site.
Peter Collins Business Background
June 19, 2016
Closing The Sale Articles, Sales/Selling Articles
Although Peter has built a reputation as an Internationally Published author since the 1980’s and has to his credit, he is mainly known for one book based on the Audio Tape series of the same name, entitled Over 50 Ways of Closing the Sale. He is also the creator of 7 Audio Tape Sets, 5 licensed Corporate Seminars, 5 licensed Small Business Seminars, and over 50 Flexible Sales Modules. In addition, he has had over 400 articles published in Newspapers, Magazines and Circulars; appeared on Television, Radio and Video; and has worked as a Seminar Presenter, Corporate Trainer and Key-Note Speaker since 1977. He has also spoken in the Great Hall, Parliament House, Canberra, Australia, and Parliament House of New South Wales, Australia, on a number of occasions.
10 Powerful Sales Tips You can use Immediately
June 13, 2016
Sales tips and techniques can be powerful selling tool, but the salesperson should make sure they are used in both an ethical manner and in the spirit of good helpful business practice. It is for that reason we have included these 10 powerful sales tips you can use immediately.
Referrals – Better than Average Lead Generators
June 10, 2016
Over the years, I’ve worked with some of the best professional salespeople in this country. They had one thing in common, they all knew the value of lead generation (and in most cases) personally generated anywhere between 50% and 100% of the leads they worked. Their leads were made up of a combination of referral and self generated leads. Once I learned about the power of referral and self-generated leads, my closing rate improved in leaps and bounds – as did the quality of the people I sold to. At one time, I closed 39 sales in 39 presentations without making an appointment – the appointments were made by the clients I had just sold to, and they were so excited their friends neither hesitated to make and appointment, nor questioned why their friends bought. In those days, my closing rate (over a two year period) stood at 89% & 92% with a cancellation rate of around 0.2%. And that’s a pretty good performance in direct selling.
Referrals – Your Clients can Make the Appointments for you
June 9, 2016
One of the most overlooked areas by the average seller, but a favourite of the sales professional is the referral. Referrals are one of the most powerful selling tools around today, they have been one of the best forms of on-going sales in the past and will definitely be of immense value to the professional that understand how to use them effectively for decades to come in the future.
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