Blind belief is never a good thing. If the seller thinks that they are being positive because they have studied the product and the prospect will be so confident in their knowledge that they will buy has a BIG wake-up call coming. The reality factor here is that although belief and optimism provide powerful support but they do not replace factual knowledge.
If you are ready to sell, and have good information at your fingertips, then you should have good reason to be optimistic. Even if you do not have complete information at your fingertips (and who does), a tendency to be optimistic also helps create a positive attitude, and it’s the transference of the feeling being created internally by the salesperson becomes the positive attitude that helps drive and cement the sale.
The bottom line here is that belief alone is not enough, the salesperson should know that little is achieved until they have put in the appropriate preparation and work first.
Can-do Approach – It is well documented that a combination of self-belief and an optimistic approach lead to a ‘can-do’ attitude which, in turn means, you will be more inclined to get out there and create the sale primarily through your thoughts and actions.
Peter Collins
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