Because of the experience I’ve just detailed, anyone that tells me they love their job and aren’t great at it, I’ll avoid them at all cost. In my opinion they can’t love their job. They may love the position, the hours, the money or the people they work with, but as far as I’m concerned they don’t love their job. Because, if they really loved their job, they will do whatever it takes to be good at their job and to do a good job – one they would be proud of.
Cutting corners and charging high fees far an inadequate job is not acceptable behaviour.
The real key to be a success in business is to be good at what you do. Excellence does not and cannot come just from enjoyment or passion or love or fun. Excellence comes from experience. It comes from screwing up and doing it wrong until you finally, finally, finally get it right. That’s right, excellence comes from study, application, trial and error. And above all, excellence comes from good old-fashioned hard work. Every other factor helps, but genuine sweat and frustration working through wants needed changes things.
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<a href="https://www.profitmakersales.com/excellence-comes-at-a-price-no-matter-what-you-do-2/">EXCELLENCE COMES AT A PRICE – NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO</a>