COPYRIGHT Peter Collins & Profit Maker Sales, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA 2020 … Cost $27
Peter Collins and Profit Maker Sales created this Sales Training Course in 2016 with Unique and Exclusive Content for the International Sales Community.
The underlying factor of everything that Peter Collins shares is that most of what most salespeople take on board as truth is not truth – it’s not even fact fact – it’s mainly assumption based on the perception of the individual. And that would be acceptable except for the fact that these perceptions are so widespread they have distorted so much within the sales industry, most salespeople are now selling based on these unfounded perceptions. In fact, the sales industry worldwide has embraced these perceptions so much and so deeply, it is now hard for the younger and novice salesperson to know what is truth and what is perception. And in essence perception is the lie that keeps holding back what most in selling should be earning today.
Because of this Peter Collins shares more than 60 Years of International, National and Regional Sales Record Breaking experience and brings it to the table for everyone in sales, experienced or novice. So if you want heaps of truth that will help that will springboard your selling – you’ll get all of that and more at prices that won’t break the bank. Let suggest you’ll pay around 90% less than you would expect to pay for information of this standard from most other sales trainers/mentors/coaches anywhere in the world today.
All Videos combined in the Attitude & Preparation Training Exceed 55 Minutes in Total
To View all three Sales Training videos together with the 5 Bonus Videos –
Simply Pay the $27.00 for these Training Lessons through PayPal,
Once paid go to the Curriculum Column in the Panel on the top of this page
To Learn more about Peter Collins – go to the Instructor Column on top of this page
Link to this post:
<a href="">019 – Budget 04 Training Videos – 10 Videos – Total 53 Minutes</a>