Attitude and Crisis can Be Controlled
Whether you succeed or fail in selling purely depends upon your attitude and not what you are told or what others are doing – and this is never more apparent than when you are in those challenging times.
Now here is a great thing for all salespeople to remember. In good times, we don’t pay much attention to our attitude, but challenges are constant in our lives, so if we are to succeed, we must keep our attitude positive, even in times of crisis. This is because most of the time, we are either moving into, in, or out of a crisis period.
So the more challenges you face, or can forsee on the horizon, the more you’ll need to check your attitude. Attitude is like fruit, when it’s growing and well nurtured it’s green, but once it becomes ripe, it starts to decay, then it rots. So nurture your attitude on a daily basis – and keep growing.
Peter Collins
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