The work I do on a regular basis gives me access to a wide variety of subjects I would most likely never get access to as a member of the general public.
The following illustration is one of those stories that I have no way of knowing whether it’s true or not, but because it tells a tale better than I normally could and encapsulates the detail I want to share with others better than just about any other example I can think of.
What’s more, not only is it a great yarn in its own right, but is also a better than average ‘wake-up-call’ for those that need to hear it’s message – and that would include the majority in sales and sales management today.
The way I heard the story I am about to share here, goes something like this. Some time back, Chris Maynard told me a story about one of his friends who was going through a down-time in his business told Chris about a direct mail letter he received that had in the opening paragraph words similar to something like this, “If you think you’re such a smart executive why aren’t you making a six figure income like so many other top executives are today?”
The first thing that came to mind here was that in the late 1980’s or early 1990’s a six figure income was something to be proud of. Not many executives in those days would have liked to have earned a six figure income, let alone to be confronted with a letter such as that, especially if they weren’t making a six figure income. At the time a good executive income would have been around $25,000 to $35,000 plus perks and expenses.
So why have I made such a big deal about the use and application of Confrontational Questions in this instance. Simply because well planned and well directed Confrontational Questions have the ability to startle your existing clients and prospects and oblige them to find out more. In fact, the better the Confrontational Questions, the more intriguing they become to the reader.
Here the salesperson should be aware that Confrontational Questions should not be restricted to just one or two subject points. In fact, in the hands of a good operator Confrontational or Provocative Questions can be as open ended as you would want them to be.
As a case in point, let’s look at a few more ways Confrontational or Provocative Questions can be used to the salespersons benefit:
• “May I ask why you appear to be paying so much for your health insurance?”
• “For the benefits you told me you receive, may I ask why you appear to be paying so much for your current life insurance?”
• “Can I also ask you why you haven’t combined your existing policies with your wife’s and children’s policies?”
As a further case in point, let’s look at a few more ways Confrontational or
Provocative Questions can be used to the salespersons benefit:
• “Do you expect to get rich working for somebody else?”
If you have a well thought through explanation of any of the above – let me know
Copy and distribute this content as often as you want. You are encouraged to share it. © Copyright Peter Collins, Sydney, Australia, 2002, 2007, 2011, 2015, 2017
#SalesTips, #AskAConfrintationalQuestion, #ConfrontationalQuestionOrTwo, #QuesioningInSales, #Success, #SalesSuccess, #CreateLastingSales, #ClosingSales, #Sales, #PeterCollins, #PeterCollinsProfitMaker, #ProfitMakerSales, #Selling,
This Article is by Peter Collins – In a sales career spanning more than 53 years, Peter Collins has focused on helping and bringing out the best in others – whether it involves training or mentoring salespeople, managers, business consulting to SME’s. Since the 1970’s Peter has built a reputation as a Nationally and Internationally Published author, and has 68 business books to his credit, but he is mainly known for one book based on the Audio Tape series of the same name, Over 50 Ways of Closing the Sale. Peter had his first book published in 1969 and now has over 133 books in all, including Business, Marketing, Sales, Free Publicity, Body Language, Music and over 30 Christian books to date. Peters books have sold over 2.5 Million copies over 48 years. In his personal life, Peter has been sought after as an encourager and motivator that has given of his time and talents freely despite his busy schedule. Subsequently, he has assisted churches, pastors, community and charity groups, as well as individuals through his teaching, training, development and on-going mentoring.
© Copyright Peter Collins, Profit Maker Sales, Sydney, Australia, 1994, 2002, 2007, 2011, 2015, 2017, all rights reserved. Peter can be contacted through his website –
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