Are Top Salespeople Born or Created?
Hello, this is Peter Collins with another sales tip for the professional salesperson. In this module, I want to share something that first intrigued me early in my selling career, which then became a subject I have commented on countless times in my time in Sales Management, training sales people or mentoring sales managers and consulting to corporate managers as well as small to medium CEO’s, and Sales Directors. That question is are salespeople born or are salespeople created.
Whenever I bring up that one question, or that question is asked of me it seems to get everyone’s attention. And that question is, are salespeople born or are salespeople created.
Now here’s a question that has caused a lot of controversy over the years – but generally only between average salespeople, and many of the sales managers who had moved into that position through years of service in the one company.
It’s also a question that has haunted me over the years, because the more I answer it to what I deem to be a satisfactory level, he more I know the hearers want me to answer the question based on their personal beliefs. And that’s not good.
The fact is, all of the Top Earning Salespeople I know, believe that the majority of the salespeople who are at the top of their game (no matter what industry they are in), seem to all be doing the same things, but what they are doing is always radically different from the other 99% of salespeople.
To a Top Professional Salesperson, selling is a learned skill, just as those skills in accounting, engineering and the medical fields are learned skills. In fact, similar skill patterns noted in the best lawyers and teachers, are the same skill patterns seen in highly successful salespeople.
That gives the average seller confidence in knowing that the salespeople who lack the right skills and attitudes can significantly improve their sales skills whenever they are willing to change their behaviour. And the changes they’ll usually need to make, are usually simple ones, yet, it requires a lot of self-discipline on the part of the salesperson to make those changes.
Another thing is that not one individual or salesperson has a static personality. Each one of us change continuously, but it depends on how each one of us reacts to mental stimuli as it is received.
Studies of the top1% of salespeople across 23 different industries, revealed that although some were self-made learning through intuition and experience, the majority were formally trained and then settled on the selling system that gave them the best and most outstanding results.
At the start of this module, I stated that all the Top Earning Salespeople I know, I sincerely believe that the majority of the salespeople who are at the top of their game (no matter what industry they are in), seem to be doing the same things, but what they are doing is always radically different from the other 99% of salespeople.
The only conclusion I can draw here, is that almost every one of the salespeople who are at the top of their game, are there through a clear result of being taught or shown how the more intricate parts of the sales process work. Believe it or not, it’s that simple
#SalesTips, #AreTopSalesPeopleBorn, #Born, #created, #TopSalespeople, #ConvincedOfWhatYouAreSelling, #WhatYouAreSelling, #AreYouConvinced, #SellingIsALearnedSkill, #TopProfessuionals, #AverageSeller, #Confidence, #Knowing, #StaticPersonality, #SelfDiscipline, #Changes, #Studies, #TopOfTheirGame, #Success, #SalesSuccess, #CreateLastingSales, #ClosingSales, #Sales, #PeterCollins, #PeterCollinsProfitMaker, #ProfitMakerSales, #Selling,
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