Whenever I get on the internet and look up Closing the Sale banners I am confronted with some variation on the sign “Always be Closing.”
Some time back it was great to see, after that it was a reminder of what salespeople should do, then after that it became somewhat boring until I reminded myself how powerful a sales tool it was. This is what came to mind that made that one powerful sentence even more powerful, in fact more than that, it said to me it was in essence the most powerful tool available to the salesperson today.
Read on and you will see why …
In every sales presentation we sell in stages, and unless we close off each stage of our presentation in the sales process we follow, we leave the prospect lingering, and in may cases still pondering on what we had just said. That’s why we should Always be Closing. Always Closing down each stage of the presentation, before we move on to the next stage of the presentation.
Not only is Always be Closing a reminder of what every salesperson should be doing on every call, it is a vital part of every part of your presentation up to and as far as the final close.
Never forget that and – Always be Closing.
Peter Collins
Link to this post:
<a href="">Always Be Closing – Why do they Say That?</a>